TEN YEARS Average Human Water Consumption in Just ONE POUND of Beef
Per Vegan Street: "Animal agribusiness is a massive drain on natural resources (and, no, the grass-fed, organic and "free-range"...
Infographic Breaks Down the HUGE Water Footprint of California’s Animal Agriculture Industry
"California has been declared under a drought emergency! Residents are facing fines for watering their lawns, and they are being urged to...
Sierra Club member speaks out: "Meat Is the Huge Water Waster"
Life Member (1983) of Sierra Club's Loma Prieta Chapter Mike Sage is a Bay Area native, a Mathematics graduate of UC Berkeley, a husband,...
Drought-Stricken California is Nation's Leading Producer of Water-Intensive Dairy
California, a drought-stricken state with a near-desert climate, is the country’s leading producer of perhaps the most water-instensive...
Will New Diet Guidelines Reflect Environmental Cost and Water Depletion Factor of Meat?
"We need to make sure our diets are in alignment with our natural resources and the need to reduce climate change." – Kari Hamerschlag,...
1848 Women's Rights Disconnect Parallels Environmentalists and Veganism in 2015
In 1848, roughtly 2/3rd of people at a women's rights convention still didn't think women should have the right to vote (Paul Chappell's...
Thirsty Cows Come From California: Drought-Stricken State is Leading Producer of Water-Intensive Dai
The California Milk Advisory Board still actually publicizes that 1.77 million massive, thirsty dairy cows are being reared right here in...
Free From Harm: Feeding Grain Crop to Farmed Animals a Staggering Waste of Natural Resources
"Feeding half the world’s edible grain crop to farmed animals is not only a grossly inefficient use of protein, it is also a staggering...
Gentle World: Large Industries Benefit From the Inefficiency of Animal Agriculture
This article explains how multiple large industries benefit from the waste and inefficiency necessitated by animal agriculture – and how...
Waterfootprint.org: 29% of the World's Freshwater is Used For Animal Production
According to Cowspiracy, who cite waterfootprint.org in this graphic, 29% of the world's freshwater is used for animal production....