Truth or Drought was started by a group of concerned citizens in San Diego. At some point, each of us learned the truth:
Production of meat and animal products uses more than half of the entire U.S. freshwater supply.
(Center for Science in the Public Interest)
Nothing else comes close.
So then why all the talk about taking shorter showers and watering lawns less frequently, but nothing about changing what we're eating?
Our goal is to open up the drought conversation from its current narrow focus to address the actual cause of the water shortages to begin with: breeding billions of farmed animals worldwide (millions in California) as a highly inefficient food source.
Throughout the world, humans drink 5.2 billion gallons of water and eat 21 billion pounds of food each day – while cows drink 45 billion gallons of water and eat 135 billion pounds of food each day (Cowspiracy - facts).
The above doesn't even account for water used by other livestock such as pigs, sheep, turkeys, chickens, etc.!
Does it seem right that cows recieve more water and food than human beings do?
Although we are being told to ration water in the drought, we are not being told that the reason we have water shortages is because most of it has been – and is still being – pumped off to accommodate the animal foods industry. Then, when there is a drought, the irreplaceable groundwater is long gone.
We learned startling facts such as:
Agriculture accounts for the majority of water depletion worldwide, with animal-derived foods requiring the most water to produce by far (National Geographic).
Worldwide, 70 billion animals are bred annually to be killed and eaten from (A Well-Fed World), while the human population is a comparably small 7 billion.
An estimated 70 million of those water-guzzling, crop-inhaling livestock animals are being reared right here in drought-stricken California (Animal Legal Defense Fund), including 1.77 million dairy cows (California Milk Advisory Board).
Household water use only accounts for 5% (all that water we're being told to save), while animal agriculture accounts for more than half (Center for Science in the Public Interest).
Underground aquifers that took thousands of years to form – pristine drinking water, nonrenewable for many lifetimes – is being pumped mostly just for cows (Mad Cowboy)!
It takes 660 gallons of water to produce one burger – the equivalent of 2 months’ worth of showers – and 1,000 gallons of water for 1 gallon of milk (EPA).
Therefore, water-saving campaigns that address household use while leaving diet out of the conversation are essentially addressing a stream of water while Niagara Falls crashes by.
The reason we have a dwindling water supply – and are spending billions on desalination plants and even recycling sewer water for people to drink – is because most of our freshwater goes to livestock animals.
We believe you deserve to know this information so you can draw your own conclusions and think about beginning to take the appropriate actions in your own life, knowing that reducing and ideally eliminating meat products in favor of an entirely plant-based diet saves the most water and helps the planet in almost every way imaginable. We invite you to join the movement!
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