How Much Water Does Your Food Use?
How much water does your food use? This chart gives an idea, showing clearly that a plant-based diet saves the most water. Share this...
Environnment America: 4 of top 10 companies polluting most water are agribusiness (Tyson, Cargill, P
"Tyson Foods Inc. is the parent-company reporting dumping the largest discharge of toxic chemicals into our waterways, with a total of...
1,000 Gallons of Water are Required to Produce 1 Gallon of Milk
1,000 Gallons of Water are Required to Produce 1 Gallon of Milk. Share this image via the Cowspiracy Facebook page. #cowspiracy...
A Sprinkler Hits a Driveway and Everyone Loses Their Minds
The Joker mind loss meme inspired one of our own: More than half of the the entire US water supply goes to animals agriculture and no one...
The Water Needed to Produce Just One Hamburger is Equivalent to 2 Entire Months of Showering
The water needed to produce just one hamburger is equivalent to 2 entire months of showering. Yet to save water, we are told to take...
383 Billion Gallons of Water Consumed in the US on Thanksgiving in the Form of Turkeys
383 billion gallons of water are consumed in the US on Thanksgiving in the form of turkeys. This is a staggering amount of water – just...
Dr. Oppenlander: US Livestock Industry Uses 34 TRILLION Gallons of Freshwater Each Year
Guys. Each year, the US livestock industry uses 34 TRILLION gallons of freshwater, 1.8 trillion gallons of which is used by...
"Cowspiracy" Infographic Shows Animal Agriculture's Devastating Impacts on Environment, Including Wa
Although we here at Truth or Drought focus on the water depletion aspect, it's just one reason why animal agriculture is the most...
100 Billion Gallons of Water Per Year (Enough for a Year's Supply for a MILLION FAMILIES) Export
100 billion gallons of water per year – enough for a year's supply for a MILLION FAMILIES – is exported from CA in the form of alfalfa...
Food Empowerment Project: Radically Reduce Your Water Consumption By Going Vegan
"You can radically reduce your dietary water consumotion by going vegan, because growing plant foods requires far less water than...