Dr. Oppenlander: The Inefficiency of Animal Products Makes No Sense at All
"Livestock use 45 percent of the landmass on Earth and 29 percent of all freshwater consumed. It requires so many more resources to...
TEN YEARS Average Human Water Consumption in Just ONE POUND of Beef
Per Vegan Street: "Animal agribusiness is a massive drain on natural resources (and, no, the grass-fed, organic and "free-range"...
Infographic Breaks Down the HUGE Water Footprint of California’s Animal Agriculture Industry
"California has been declared under a drought emergency! Residents are facing fines for watering their lawns, and they are being urged to...
Will New Diet Guidelines Reflect Environmental Cost and Water Depletion Factor of Meat?
"We need to make sure our diets are in alignment with our natural resources and the need to reduce climate change." – Kari Hamerschlag,...
Thirsty Cows Come From California: Drought-Stricken State is Leading Producer of Water-Intensive Dai
The California Milk Advisory Board still actually publicizes that 1.77 million massive, thirsty dairy cows are being reared right here in...
Gidon Eshel: “Beef and Sustainability are About as Compatible as War and Goodness”
“Beef and sustainability are about as compatible as war and goodness.” – Gidon Eshel, Bard College professor of environmental science...
Got Water? UN Urges Global Move to Meat and Dairy-Free Diet
No amount of shorter showers will stop this from continuing unless we change our diets. Pass it on! Share this image via our Facebook...
Cowspiracy: If We Had a Different Timeline or a Smaller Population, We Could Take Halfway Measures
Each one one of the billions of animals bred for meat products each year requires outrageous amounts of freshwater. What could possibly...
Kiss Your Guacamole Goodbye – But Keep Eating Cheeseburgers?!
Because avocados use 74 gallons of water per pound to produce, this Take Part article says we have to stop eating avocados. However, the...
Gentle World: Production of Animal-Based Foods Leading Cause of World Hunger
"It is actually the production of animal-based foods that is one of the leading causes of world hunger." Sound crazy? Learn more here in...