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Order Truth or Drought leaflets, lawn signs, restaurant signs & more

Check out and order or print leaflets here.


Check out and order or print lawn/window signs and car magnets here.

Order or print restaurant signs here.

Get information about an overpass light brigade here.

If you don't want any materials at this time but would like to make a donation to help us continue our work educating others on the astronomical amount of water wasted by turning sentient animals into food we don't need, please make a PayPal donation here.

Thank you for helping us share the information urgently needed to truly save our water! Please be sure to take photos or videos of your outreach efforts and post them to our social media pages or use the hashtags #TruthOrDrought & #SaveWaterEatPlants! Scroll back up to the top for our social media links.

Thank you for your support and for helping others make the connection!

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