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"Save Water Eat Plants" Lawn Signs Show Going Vegan Saves 600 Gallons Per Day

Most of California's consumptive water goes to meat and dairy – 47%, per Pacific Institute – yet, per National Geographic, a vegan diet saves 600 gallons of water a day. Therefore, adopting a plant-based vegan diet is the single most significant effort an individual can make to save California's water. Comparatively, taking one minute shorter showers save 2.5 gallons (commonly cited figure) and skipping a day watering the average lawn saves an average of 48 (crunched using EPA numbers). ‪Governor Jerry Brown said on April 1, 2015, "We have to pull together and save water in every way we can."

How about in the most effective way humanly possible?

This lawn sign shows undeniable information from a highly reputable source (National Geographic) and is actually a very conservative estimate of how much water a vegan diet saves compared to many other estimates, including up to 3,700 as cited in John Robbins' Pulitzer-Prize nominated Diet for a New America (graphic showing figures here).

Take pictures of your lawn sign, send them to you local media outlets, and post them to social media using the hashtag #TruthOrDrought and #SaveWaterEarPlants!

Print it out for display or holding as a sign at fairs, local drought-related community events, or any other display uses! You can also make a car magnet out of it by printing, laminating and attaching magnets to the back, or you can order a pre-made car sign from us.

If you print it out, please consider making a donation here. ORDER INFO: Please email to organize a shipment of yard signs -- he will send a pay pal invoice and will need your best ship to address for Fed Ex Ground or USPS Priority.


Here is the pricing breakdown from 1 - 10pcs:

Single Sided -- 4/0

1 Coroplast Sign: $27 (includes stakes and shipping) + Sales Tax

5 Coroplast Signs: $73 (includes stakes and shipping) + Sales Tax

10 Coroplast Signs: $129 (includes stakes and shipping) + Sales Tax

Double Sided -- 4/4

1 Coroplast Sign: $31 (includes stakes and shipping) + Sales Tax

5 Coroplast Signs: $93 (includes stakes and shipping) + Sales Tax

10 Coroplast Signs: $169 (includes stakes and shipping) + Sales Tax

This pricing beats Vistaprint prices. These signs have been made entirely by volunteers with a very small profit going to Truth or Drought for continuing administrative costs (website, leaflets, etc.). If you would like to make a larger donation to Truth or Drought, please do so using the PayPal link at the bottom of our page. Greatly appreciated!


Small $6 (7.5 x 3.75")

Medium $10 (12 x 6")

Large $30 (18 x 24")

Plus shipping and sales tax.

Order leaflets and restaurant signs as well.

Thank you so much for caring about this urgent issue! We can do this!

Updated May 30, 2015: Here are some lawn signs people have shared from all over the state!:

Sacramento, CA

West Hills, CA

Spotted on Instagram

Spotted on Instagram

Animal Place farmed animal sanctuary in Grass Valley, CA

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