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Tell "Save Our Water" Their Water-Saving Tips Barely Scratch the Surface


California's reservoirs are emptying with no end in sight to the drought. We URGENTLY need statewide program Save Our Water to start addressing food choice, as municipal water departments are now doing, so Californians can at least be aware of how to save astronomically more water.

The largest portion of California's water is being used to grow livestock feed. No amount of shorter showers will stop this unless people learn why we so urgently need to move away from eating meat and animal products.

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Data from Pacific Institute's 2012 report "California's Water Footprint." Read their full report.

The image at the top of this post refers to Save Our Water's January 13th tip:

Save Water, Wear a Hat.

Or, turn off the water while lathering up your hair and save up to 150 gallons a month!

National Geographic says a vegan diet saves 600 gallons of water per day. That's 18,000 gallons of water a month compared to 150 from Save Our Water's tip! And this is typical of the tips they offer. Why is Save Our Water remaining silent about the area where we can actually save the most water – by leaps and bounds? This is a crisis, and they need to be held accountable for the confusion they are helping create as we hurdle toward statewide water depletion and scary reliance on very expensive and environmentally damaging desalination plants.

Please comment/message/Tweet to Save Our Water on their social media pages urging them to do so, and use their hashtag #EveryDropCounts? (Include a question mark!) and #TruthOrDrought.

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